Sunday 29 August 2010

Goldilocks Syndrome

I was talking to my friend M. today and she was telling me about her man du jour. After 3.5 weeks of dating, he so valiantly gave her the "key to his heart". I thought it was sweet, until she told me that he texts her to tell her that there is one star in the sky for everyone one thing he misses/adores about her. Still... I thought it was sweet, and still sweeter when he asked her if she believes in love at first sight... because he does.
Maybe it's because it's not happening to me, but apparently this is moving "too fast". Her relationship previous was moving too slow, when the only stars he was worried about were porn stars and their 'relationships'.
Its after this conversation that I realized that women suffer from the goldilocks syndrome. A guy who is too cold (for us), isn't good enough, and the guy that is too hot (for us), isn't good enough.
Where is the guy that is just right?

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