Aunt Jemima would be soooo disappointed!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!
To commemorate this day, I went to The Breakfast Club (Hoxton) and had a St. Paddy's Day smoothie, full of spinach, mint, melon... and some other stuff. I don't really remember, I was just excited about the smoothie.
I recently went to The Breakfast Club last week and had some of the best Eggs Benedict I've ever had! Seriously, so good! And so much hollandaise sauce! Some places, not to name names (Giraffe) put only a DOLLOP of sauce over poached eggs on a dinner bun. Insane. But this place made them proper.
Today I ordered pancakes and bacon, mind you it was titled "American Pancakes with bacon". What came out was bacon with a side of pancakes. You know when you go to Pancake House, IHOP, or any run of the mill breakfast eatery, you always get the standard 3 or 5 pancakes with 3 strips of bacon. This amount of bacon was enough to put my vegetarian friend, who can usually stomach my carnivorous ways, to be grossed out. Even I was grossed out!
BUT that wasn't what threw me into disbelief.
They had drizzled my pancakes with syrup, not maple syrup, some corn syrup substitute. And when I asked for more syrup for my PANCAKES, she said she'll have to charge me!
I get it, it's London. They charge for everything, I swear they would try to charge me for breathing if they could... but I have to draw the line at syrup. Ketchup, they can have, charging 10 p a package at the school cafeteria. But today I stood my ground.
I gave her the iciest look, put my nose up high and asked "Excuse me?". My vegetarian friend at this point was almost quivering, knowing my wrath just said don't worry, just pay for the syrup. I don't believe in injustice, I am a Canadian. We pride ourselves on giving, not taking, peacefulness not war, and not being taken advantage of. I was not going to give her money for something that is (should be) from MY country.
But hey, you know you can't eat pancakes without drowning them in lots of syrup, free or not. :D